Masonic tradition demanded rites of passage and those rites required that men live up to a moral standard that dovetailed perfectly with the requirements of men settling a new frontier.

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Who Really Won The West?

Who really won the West?

It was a lawless land and perilous times, who could be trusted? In an expanding country, filled with unknowns, who would bring order and keep things “square and on the level?” Freemasons!

Freemasons did not end their influence with the development of the 13 colonies! Freemasons were part of the American fabric; with well over 50% of all 18th Century men having joined the order, Freemasons were destined to have a major impact on the growth of our country.

As soon as the colonies won independence, Masons and the Masonic order pushed our country Westward. In this stunning documentary series, we chronicle how the American spread westward was directly tied to the efforts of the Masonic brotherhood.

The Story

Hidden History?

Davy Crockett, Kit Carson, Lewis and Clark and Buffalo Bill Cody – Even a number of famous gunslingers like Billy the Kid – All Freemasons.

Those are just a few of the names of men we know that were Freemasons and had a profound impact on the growth of the American West. There were many men with Masonic roots that pushed the growth of our country forward; making it what it is today.

Freemasonry was the original social network; just like Facebook or LinkedIn, men used their Masonic network and connections while conducting their business in a wild and unknown land. But, unlike Facebook, where one can easily add a friend with little effort, Masonic tradition demanded rites of passage and those rites required that men live up to a moral standard that dovetailed perfectly with the requirements of men settling a new frontier.

This documentary series explores the fascinating history and story of Freemasonry’s profound impact on America’s expansion Westward, the building of our country and how Masonic teachings influenced the exercise of our American ideal.

The story of Freemasonry is truly the story of America: hard working, virtuous, religious and trustworthy men that saw a brighter future for themselves and their fellow man.


It’s all who you know! – This episode tells the story of how Masons used their connections in the explosive growth westward and how the secretive nature of the order has kept Freemasons out of the history books, until now.

Western Expansion – Freemasons, using their social network lead major expeditions, held key government posts, started companies and interconnected their businesses to the point that they built infrastructures that lasts until today.

The Fighting Masons – While not leading the charge into wars, amazing events connected to the Freemasons fill the history of westward expansion, from group of Masons that fought at the Alamo, to heroic Civil War stories of Confederate Masonic brothers coming to the aid of their Union Masonic rivals.

Infamous Masons – Gunslingers like Billy the Kid or showmen like Buffalo Bill Cody tell another side of Masons in the west. In fact, Mormon founder Joseph Smith was thrown out of the brotherhood for violating Masonic rules.

The Advancement of Civilization and Freemasonry – The Masonic influence on our government during the revolution is well known; this episode demonstrates influence of Freemasons on the governmental structure of the west.

The Great Showmen – A look at Freemasons in the west would not be complete without a look at their influence on popular culture – from Wild Bill Cody to fictional cowboys like Roy Rogers, they found ways to integrate their training as masons into their work.


In most states west of the Mississippi, one of the first buildings to spring up in territorial or state capitol would be a Masonic lodge…

…you’d likely not be elected sheriff in a western town unless you were a Mason…

…and you’ll think twice about pulling the trigger, knowing the man at the other end of your gun may be a brother!

Video Overview


Program Segment – Colorado’s Masonic Gold

One Sheet

Masonic and Western History Expert


Mike Moore is a historian, author and lecturer. He has six books to his credit; over 150 articles and for thirteen years was staff writer a respected history magazine. He is a recognized authority on the early American West and has been on the History Channel Special, Jedediah Smith and the Opening of The West. Mike is a contributing expert to The Encyclopedia of Western Expansion winning the best new reference book for 2011 by the Library Association, and has articles in such magazines as True West, On The Trail and Muzzleloader.

In Freemasonry – Mr. Moore is a 2008 Scottish Rite Fellow, writing a monthly educational article for the Denver Consistory’s Riteworks, is a apart of the Colorado Grand Lodge’s Speakers Bureau, is archivist for the Denver Consistory, a past Master of his lodge and has authored two Masonic Almanacs (something not done in America for over 100 years).